What is CTM?

The Creative Technology Management (CTM) major at Underwood International University (UIC), Yonsei University prepares students to become global leaders in the era of digital economy, by bringing the disciplines of technology management, data science, and entrepreneurship. Based on critical thinking, effective communication, and enterprising attitudes developed through the common curriculum courses at UIC, the courses in the CTM major constitute a broad program of study designed to help students strengthen their problem-solving skills. Through interdisciplinary study integrating technology innovation, information technology, and entrepreneurial management, the program enables students to develop abilities to identify problems through data-based analyses, to implement innovative ideas utilizing technical knowledge, and to develop creative management strategies.

These skills will enable students to qualify for a wide range of career opportunities in technology management, strategic planning, and data analytics at global corporations as well as startups.


How can I apply to CTM?

A Freshmen in UIC (HASSF-undecided) can declare their major as CTM as they enter their 2nd year. Please visit the UIC homepage for detailed information.

What do you learn in CTM?

CTM students would acquire broad knowledge in the fields of management, technology and entrepreneurship. Please check the Education section in the site map for detailed lists of courses and programs.

Where is the campus?

Yonsei University is based in two locations: Sinchon Campus (Sinchon, Seoul) and Yonsei International Campus (Songdo, Incheon). Students may enroll in CTM major courses offered in the International campus.

How much is the tuition fee?

Please visit https://uic.yonsei.ac.kr/main/admission.asp?mid=m04_03_01 for detailed information on UIC's current tuition fee.

Where can I find the course descriptions and and curriculum chart?

You can either visit http://uic.yonsei.ac.kr/images/HASS-Culture_and_Technology_Management.pdf or take a look at our Education tab for detailed course descriptions.

Can we take courses in Sinchon campus?

Yes. All UIC students can take common curriculum courses in the Sinchon campus from their Sophomore year. However, all the CTM major courses are open only in the International Campus.