CTM Alumnus
CTM graduates are actively entering various fields, mainly strategic management/planning of technology and data analyses, both in big global companies as well as start-up companies. Examples of companies include Google, P&G in North America, Grab (also known as Uber of Southeast Asia), Hyundai Motor Group, LG Chemistry, Naver Lineworks, Samil Accounting Corporation, and Singapore Economic Development Agency (more examples of companies and departments can be found in the list below). Some graduates also go to prominent graduate schools abroad (often interdisciplinary schools integrating technology and management) to continue their education.
창의기술경영 졸업생은 여러 분야의 대기업과 스타트업에서 활약 중이며, 주로 전략 기획/기술 경영 기획/데이터 분석 및 인공지능 분야에서 경력을 쌓아가고 있습니다. 아래는 졸업생이 진출한 회사의 예시입니다.
Google (Technical Account Manager)
P&G Canada (DevOps Manager)
EY-Parthenon Singapore (Strategy&Operations Senior Associate)
Grab (Regional Strategic Ops, Merchants)
Shopee Vietnam (Senior Business Intelligence)
Apple Singapore (Siri Annotation Analyst)
Freddie Mac (Quantitative Analytics Senior)
Baemin Vietnam (Creative Content Specialist)
Singapore Economic Development Board (Regional Director, Japan & Korea
Line Plus Corp (Global Business Development Manager)
Naver Corp (New Business Development),
Naver Financial (서비스기획, Product Owner)
Naver Worksmobile (Service Manager, Service Planning, Product Planning)
Naver Cloud (Business Strategy)
Naver Clova AI (Product Manager)
Nexon Korea (PM), Naddic Games (PM)
Google Korea, IBM Korea (Business Strategy Consultant)
Apple Korea (Product Marketing Specialist)
Microsoft Korea
SAP Korea (Associate Agile Developer)
Hyundai Corporation (브랜드 사업기획)
Hyundai Motor Group
Kia Worldwide (Product Planner)
현대모비스 (Research Engineer)
LG Chemistry, LG Uplus (Business Profit Management Associate)
LG Display (Automotive Display Product Planning)
SKT (Marketer)
Bain & Company (Senior Associate Consultant, Associate Consultants)
AT Kearney (Business Analysts)
Monitor Deloitte (Consultant)
KPMG (ESG & Strategy)
Samil PWC (Senior Associate IT Audit Specialist)
Johnson & Johnson (Marketing)
J.P. Morgan (Derivatives Clearing Sales)
SK증권 (Investment Management)
IDG (기자 CIO Korea)
하나금융투자(Equity Research Associate)
유진투자증권 (Analyst)
Korea Investment Corporation (Associate)
KB Securities (Investment Banking)
NH Investment & Securities (Big Data Center Data Scientist)
Finda (Front-end Developer)
Buzzvil (Monetization Operation Manager)
Mathpresso (Strategy Manager)
Charco (Software Engineer)
dotElevate Studios (Co-founder)
NHR Communications (PM)
Recoffery (Founder, Co-founder)
DKMBC (Business Intelligence Consultant)
디코랩스 (대표)
슈타겐 (Business Developer)
Qraft Technologies, Inc (AI Researcher)
Resera Capital (Data Scientist)
Tickleinvest Co., (CMO)
Mindy (CTO)
Troth (CEO)
Korean Lawyer (한국 변호사)
American Lawyer (미국 변호사)
Doctor (의사)
Study Abroad (유학)